Chimney Stack Repair East Barnton Avenue

Edinburgh / East Barnton Avenue

At East Barnton Avenue, we faced a notable challenge during our recent project. A drone inspection revealed that a section of the chimney render, also known as harling, had detached and fallen off the roof. This damage resulted in a leak in the chimney. The function of render or harling is twofold; it enhances the visual appeal of the chimney and shields it from erosion, extending its functionality. Overcoming this issue required safely and effectively accessing the chimney level. To accomplish this, we needed to skillfully construct secure scaffolding, a task for which we owe our thanks to Mark.

The main activities we performed in this phase of the project were:

  • Scaffolding: We meticulously erected a secure scaffolding structure to provide safe and efficient access to the chimney.
  • Chimney Pebble Dash Repair: Once the scaffolding was in place, we conducted extensive repair work on the chimney, specifically restoring the pebble dash render to its previous state.
  • Rain Cowels Installation: To enhance rainwater flow and prevent further water ingress, we installed rain cowels on the chimney.
  • Through concerted effort and teamwork, we successfully addressed the issues and ensured the building's safety and structural integrity.
Client feedback:

Your roof made right. Guaranteed.

Fixed the first time OR we keep coming back until it's done

Our goal is to fix your roof the first time, and we manage this more than 9 times out of 10.  If, for any reason, the repair cannot be completed as planned we will return as many times as necessary until the job is done, with no extra charge. T&C apply.

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